10 Interesting Facts About Nigeria You Need to Know

10 Interesting Facts About Nigeria

In this article, we’re going to discuss about 10 interesting facts about Nigeria you need to know in 2024.

Nigeria, often referred to as the “Giant of Africa,” is a country rich in culture, diversity, and natural resources.

From being the world’s largest cassava producer to having the second-largest film industry globally, Nigeria offers a blend of unique and surprising facts.

10 Interesting Facts About Nigeria

Let’s dive into 10 fascinating facts that showcase Nigeria’s richness and diversity.

1. Largest Producer of Cassava

Nigeria leads the world in cassava production, contributing about 20% of the global output.

Takeaway: Cassava cultivation is vital for food security and can create millions of jobs in Nigeria.

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2. Most Populous Country in Africa

10 Interesting Facts About Nigeria

This is no new fact but I had to add it to the 10 Interesting Facts About Nigeria.

With over 200 million people, Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country and the seventh globally.

Takeaway: Nigeria’s large population offers vast market potential but also poses challenges in infrastructure and services.

3. Nollywood is the Second Largest Film Industry

Nollywood produces over 2,000 films annually, making it the second-largest film industry in the world.

Takeaway: Nollywood contributes to Nigeria’s cultural and economic landscape, showcasing African stories globally.

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4. Home to the Longest Bridge in Africa

The Third Mainland Bridge in Lagos spans approximately 11.8 kilometres, making it Africa’s longest bridge.

Takeaway: Infrastructure projects like this enhance connectivity but require regular maintenance.

5. Diverse Ethnic Groups

Nigeria boasts over 250 ethnic groups, each with its unique culture and traditions.

Takeaway: Celebrating diversity fosters national unity and enriches Nigeria’s heritage.

6. Giant of Africa

10 Interesting Facts About Nigeria

This is the most obvious fact among the 10 Interesting Facts About Nigeria.

You see, Nigeria is often called the “Giant of Africa” due to its size, economy, and influence.

Takeaway: Nigeria plays a pivotal role in African politics and economics.

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7. Rich in Natural Resources

Nigeria is abundant in oil, natural gas, coal, and minerals like tin, iron ore, and gold.

Takeaway: Sustainable management and diversification are crucial for long-term growth.

8. High Rate of Entrepreneurship

Nigeria boasts one of the world’s highest entrepreneurship rates, with many startups and small businesses.

Takeaway: Entrepreneurship drives innovation and job creation, requiring supportive policies.

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9. Music and Fashion Powerhouse

Nigeria’s music and fashion industries have gained global recognition and influence.

The likes of Wizkid, Davido, Burna Boy and others are making Nigeria proud on the big stage.

Takeaway: Investing in creative industries promotes soft power, tourism, and economic growth.

10. Mobile Phone Penetration

Over 80% of Nigerians have mobile phones, with many using smartphones.

Takeaway: Technology adoption is growing, offering opportunities for business and communication.

Additional Interesting Facts About Nigeria

11. UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Nigeria is home to two UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Sukur Cultural Landscape and Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove.

Takeaway: Preserving heritage sites fosters tourism and cultural appreciation.

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12. Strong Sports Legacy

10 Interesting Facts About Nigeria

Nigeria has a strong sports legacy, especially in football, with notable international achievements.

Takeaway: Sports can foster national pride and unity, benefiting from infrastructure and development investments.

FAQs on 10 Interesting Facts About Nigeria

What was Nigeria’s original name?

Nigeria’s original name was the “Kingdom of Nri,” referring to an ancient kingdom in the southeastern part of the country.

What is Nigeria best known for?

Nigeria is best known for its cultural diversity, Nollywood films, and music, and as a major producer of oil and natural gas.

What is the full country name of Nigeria?

The full country name of Nigeria is the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

How old is the country Nigeria?

Nigeria gained independence from British colonial rule on October 1, 1960, making it 64 years old as of 2024.

How is the healthcare system in Nigeria?

Nigeria’s healthcare system faces challenges but is improving with investments in infrastructure, training, and technology.

Is Nigeria the most populous country in Africa?

Yes, Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa, with over 200 million people.

What languages are spoken in Nigeria?

Nigeria is home to over 250 ethnic groups, each with its unique language. The official language is English, and other major languages include Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo.

How is the economy of Nigeria?

Nigeria has one of the largest economies in Africa, driven by oil and natural gas exports, agriculture, and a growing entrepreneurial sector.


Nigeria’s fascinating facts showcase a country that is diverse, culturally rich, and economically vibrant.

From its agricultural prowess to its booming entertainment industry and entrepreneurial spirit, Nigeria continues to make its mark on the global stage.

As Africa’s most populous country and a significant player in various sectors, Nigeria’s journey is one of resilience, innovation, and growth.

Whether it’s through its music, films, or natural resources, Nigeria offers a tapestry of experiences waiting to be explored and celebrated.

If you learn something new from the 10 Interesting Facts About Nigeria, Kindly share this article with other amazing Nigerians like you worldwide.

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