4 Crazy Reasons Why You Should Become A Real Estate Agent In Nigeria

become a real estate agent in Nigeria

Why should you become a real estate agent in Nigeria?

My friend, have you ever looked at the big houses and wondered what kind of work the owners do?

Have you dreamed of living in your own house someday instead of renting?

If yes, then I have some exciting news for you.

The work of selling and buying properties, what we call ‘real estate’, could be the perfect job for you!

Reasons Why You Should Become A Real Estate Agent In Nigeria

In this article, I will explain to you why becoming a real estate agent is such a good job, especially for us here in Nigeria.

I will share four major reasons that will make you want to jump into this work immediately.


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So settle down and read carefully.

1. It is a career that is recession-proof

become a real estate agent in Nigeria

The first reason why you should become a real estate agent in Nigeria is that real estate work never stops, even when other jobs are finishing.

You see, everybody needs a place to live – whether they are rich or poor, young or old.

When the economy is bad and many companies are sacking workers, people will still need houses.

In fact, during those tough times, many people look to invest their money in land and houses because it is safer than keeping money in the bank.

So as a real estate agent, you will always have work to do no matter what is happening in the country.

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2. Anyone can get started and succeed at it

Tony Aspire - become a real estate agent in Nigeria

The second big reason why you should become a real estate agent in Nigeria is that anybody can enter this work and be successful, you don’t need too much education or money to start.

Unlike many other jobs that require you to go to university for many years, real estate work is open to everybody.

All you need is some basic education, a strong mind, and the ability to talk with people well.

You don’t even need plenty money to start, as you can just join an existing real estate company or brokerage first before starting your own later.

Just look at the example of Mr Tony Kolawole Aspire, he came from a poor background but through hard work became the owner of the biggest real estate brokerage in Nigeria today!

His story shows that with determination, you too can make it big in real estate.

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3. Fulfillment in fulfilling dreams

become a real estate agent in Nigeria

My third reason why you should become a real estate agent in Nigeria is because it gives you the chance to put smiles on people’s faces by helping them get their own homes.

In Nigeria, owning a house is a big dream for many families.

But the process of buying or renting a good house can be very difficult and confusing, with many people trying to cheat others.

As a real estate agent, your work is to guide people through this process and make sure they get the right house for their needs without being cheated.

Imagine the happiness you will see when you finally hand over the keys to a young couple’s first apartment or help a family move into their dream home!

This kind of joy of helping people achieve their housing dreams is one of the best parts of being a real estate agent.

Your work will impact many lives in a good way.

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4. There is unlimited potential

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The fourth and final reason why you should become a real estate agent in Nigeria is that there is no limit to how much you can grow and expand in the real estate business.

Unlike many office jobs where you can only grow to a certain level like ‘manager’ or ‘director’, in real estate you are truly your own boss.

The amount of money and success you achieve is directly tied to how hard you work and how smart you are with your business.

If you start out as a small agent, but you are good with people and very determined, within a few years you can grow to start your own real estate company, hire many people to work for you, and expand to developing estates all over Nigeria and beyond!

The opportunities are unlimited if you have ambition.

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Let me pause here and answer some questions you may have:

FAQs on why you should become a real estate agent in Nigeria

What qualifications do I need to become a real estate agent in Nigeria?

My friend, you only need to finish secondary school to start working as a real estate agent in Nigeria.

Of course, it is better if you also get some extra training on things like real estate laws, marketing houses, and how to close deals.

But the most important qualifications are your ability to talk with people, your hunger for success, and your determination to never give up.

So how do I actually get started in this work?

The easiest way is to join an existing real estate company or brokerage, even if it is just small.

There you will learn on the job, understand the business, build your skills and start making contacts and money.

After some years of experience, you can then break out on your own and start your own company from the bottom up.

Another way is to pay to attend some training classes or take online courses to learn about the field first before starting.

You can also read books on real estate marketing and business as a whole.

But can I really grow to become a big player and make plenty money?

Yes, of course!

I cannot preach enough about the unlimited growth opportunities in real estate.

Once you have gotten experience and built your name, you can expand in many ways – hire more workers, open branches in new cities or states, or even move into new areas of real estate like managing properties, renovations, or development.

The size and speed of your growth depends only on your hard work and smart planning, nobody can stop an ambitious real estate agent!

Conclusion of why you should become a real estate agent in Nigeria

So in summary, I have explained four powerful reasons why you should seriously consider becoming a real estate agent in Nigeria:

  • It is a secure job that will always have work available
  • Anybody can start and succeed, not just rich or highly educated people
  • You get the joy of helping people achieve their home ownership dreams
  • There is unlimited potential for you to grow and expand your business

Real estate is a unique work that is open to anybody willing to work hard, talk plenty with people, never give up, and aim for the highest success.

The rewards of this work are not just financial, you also get the pride of impacting many lives through home ownership.

If you have been searching for a way to become your own boss, break free from lack, and achieve big dreams, then a career in real estate could be just what you need.

The opportunity is here, but the choice is yours to take it.

Why not give it a try?

You may end up thanking me for sharing this life-changing message!

I wish you the very best.

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